How To Use a VPS For Forex Trading?

VPS for Forex EA
VPS for Forex EA

How To Use a VPS For Forex Trading?

if you have any desire to prevail at Forex exchanging, you should have the option to respond rapidly to changes on the lookout and move quickly to augment your profits. That is the reason numerous brokers are presently going to virtual confidential servers (VPS) to drive their exchanges. They offer great execution and adaptability at a sensible cost, so you can execute exchanges quicker than your rivals without genuinely hurting your edges.

Things being what they are, how would you involve a VPS for Forex exchanging? This guide will make sense of all that you want to be aware of, including what a Forex VPS is, the reason you ought to be involved in a VPS for Forex exchanging, and how to set up a VPS for exchanging

What is a Forex VPS?

A Forex virtual confidential server (or Forex VPS) is a virtual server that a leaseholder might decide to run mechanized exchanging programming and interface with the more extensive exchanging organization. A Forex VPS takes into consideration quicker and safer exchanging because of the numerous security highlights of a VPS. On the off chance that, for instance, you utilize a typical stage like MetaTrader4 (MT4), you’re regularly associated from a PC. In any case, if there was a blackout or your web association went down, you wouldn’t have the option to open, close, or revise your exchanges.

Given this, for what reason do dealers utilize a VPS? Set forth plainly, involving a VPS for Forex EA exchanging enjoys many benefits, including a day-in and day-out exchanging that can run while the dealer is approaching their day. Additionally, their facilitating supplier can design it with indicated computer processor, Smash, and SSD space, permitting exchanges to occur at a lot higher velocities than ordinary exchanging techniques.

How does a Forex VPS work?

Consider a VPS a far-off PC. This equivalent rationale can be applied to a Forex VPS. A Forex VPS can be run anyplace on the planet and is ‘consistently on’ with a functioning web association. This steady association considers exchanges and computerized exchanging calculations to run every minute of every day, regardless of whether your PC is off.

How to choose a Forex VPS?

Here’s how to be sure you’re choosing the right VPS provider:

  1. Data center location

The area of a facilitating server farm matters. Preferably, you need to pick one that is nearer to your facilitating supplier, as this can assist with diminishing by and large idleness. As you most likely are aware, idleness will influence the speed at which your exchanges are made. So if you’re a broker living in the UK, you’ll need to lease a VPS from a facilitating supplier with server farms inside the UK for the best outcomes.

  1. Security

How the server farms are gotten is likewise a significant element to consider. What measures are set up by the provider(s) to protect your information?

  1. Hardware

What hardware choices are introduced by the VPS provider? Ideally, they will offer numerous central processors, Hammer and limit decisions, close by extra things would it be smart for you to wish to use them? It’s moreover important that a VPS provider has a summary of different packages so you’re not fixed to a restricted proportion of resources. What’s more, you’ll need to ensure the VPS includes a comparable working framework as your picked Forex trading stage solicitation to run.

  1. Costs

An important factor to consider is the cost of your VPS. You’ll need to compare costs for several VPS packages out there alongside the benefits they offer to determine which is worth the monthly investment, while also keeping within budget.

  1. The host’s reputation

How does the hosting provider rate on Google and other review sites? How does their performance measure up with competitors, and have they had any data breaches lately or some other form of turmoil that could put your trades at risk? Look out for specific pros and cons from every provider you look at and keep a note of them when weighing up your options.

  1. Uptime

Uptime is incredibly important, and your hosting provider should have a high uptime guarantee to reassure customers they’ll always be connected. Refer to the Fasthosts uptime page if you’re ever curious about uptime on our VPS and other services.

  1. Customer support

When can you contact the hosting provider regarding your VPS? Ideally, a 24/7 service should be a huge determinant of which VPS provider you choose for Forex trading (and any other use for that matter). Should your VPS experience any issues, you’ll want to contact your provider in the first instance, so check to see what providers have the most accessible contact centers.

  1. Scalability

Being able to scale your VPS up with more resources is important if you require more horsepower to run your trading bots. Check what the provider can scale up and what add-ons you can get to truly tailor your VPS for Forex trading.

  1. Managed vs unmanaged

Many facilitating suppliers offer oversaw VPS and unmanaged VPS plans. With an unmanaged VPS, you’re responsible for setting up your VPS, arranging your server, introducing your favored programming, checking your asset use, and dealing with your VPS every day. This gives you significantly more command over your exchanging, yet serving the board can turn out to be very tedious.

Why use a VPS for Forex trading?

From constant connection to enhanced security, there are many reasons why a Forex VPS is the preferred choice for trading, compared to connecting to a platform from one central location.

  • Low latency

The nature of a VPS is to reduce latency, which is why it’s a preferred route for Forex traders. With built-in redundancy in our data centers and an incredibly fast internet connection, latency is kept at an all-time low. Ultimately, this means you’ll have a reliable server to trade from, and your trades will submit to brokers much faster than your competitors.

  • Get trading quickly

Forex platforms can be installed quickly on a VPS, so you can start trading as soon as you’re ready. They take minutes to set up and can run popular trading platforms like MT4, Ninja Trader, PPro8, Plus500, and more. Most trading platforms can be installed and used on a VPS.

  • Fast speeds

While trading applications don’t require many resources to run, there can be disparities in speed based on factors like your internet connection or the age of your hardware. Plus, if you plan to run complex trading algorithms, then more resources may be required.

  • They’re safe

A VPS is designed to prevent unauthorized access to your server, and this extends to Forex VPS too. As they’re so secure, you won’t have to worry about stolen assets, money, or data. None of these three components can be accessed by anyone else unless you authorize it.

  • They’re scalable

Unsure of how much SSD or RAM you’ll need? You can change your plan at any time, so you can rest assured that your original package can be upgraded or downgraded as you see fit. Plus, a VPS isn’t just limited to Forex trading. You can scale to accommodate web hosting, installing apps on your VPS, gaming, e-commerce stores, and more. If you want to find out more, our VPS guide explains everything you need to know.

  • They’re reliable

Virtual servers are hosted by a web hosting provider’s physical servers, which are housed in their data centers. These vast data centers boast the latest security technology and infrastructure redundancy, so your data is always protected no matter what.

  • Trade anywhere

With a Forex VPS, you can keep trading anywhere in the world, provided you have an internet connection. This means you can access markets anywhere at any time.

  • Backups

To keep your Forex VPS secure, it’ll constantly create backups of your trading configuration, including the operating system and trading software. This will prevent you from losing your data and failing to secure trades. Even if you lose your connection or have issues with your computer, your Forex VPS will create constant backups so you can carry on trading.

VPS for Forex
VPS for Forex

How to use VPS for Forex trading?

If you already know how to set up a VPS, you’ll now need to know how to connect to it and set up your Forex trading platform. In this case, we’ll be using MT4, which is the most common platform.

Here’s how to set up a VPS for Forex trading.

  1. Connect to your VPS

Below are steps to connect to your VPS on a Windows computer. If you need further guidance on how to connect on Linux, our ‘How to connect to a VPS’ post covers this.

Step 1:  Click on ‘Start’, then search and select ‘Remote Desktop Connection’.

Step 2:  Remote desktop connection login screen

Enter your VPS IP address when prompted, as shown above. If you haven’t received your IP address for your VPS, reach out to the customer services team at Fasthosts.

Step 3:  Windows Security RDP Login

As prompted above, enter your username and password (as provided with your VPS package). This Administrator or root password will be what you use to RDP to your server.

Step 4:  Connect to your VPS as an administrator. Once this is done, we can go ahead and configure your chosen Forex trading platform.

  1. Install your Forex trading platform

Whether you choose MT4 or another preferred Forex platform, simply browse online for the trading site for a download link to install it on your device.

  1. Check requirements

Does your chosen platform have specific requirements to run? They’ll usually list frameworks required (e.g., NET), plus RAM, CPU, and SSD requirements to run effectively.

If you find your VPS doesn’t quite marry up, or you want to ensure there are enough resources at hand, you can scale up your VPS by contacting your hosting provider.

  1. Share your EA on the VPS

An EA (expert advisor) is a program that will monitor and trade financial markets using a specific set of algorithms. To configure an EA on your VPS, you’ll need to connect to the relevant drive first:

Click on the “Options” drop-down in your Remote Desktop Connection window

Click on “Local Resources” and then “More”

You’ll then be presented with a list of drives to choose from to connect to your VPS. Pick the appropriate ones, so that you can transfer files from it to your VPS.

  1. Test connectivity and performance

Standard testing of your VPS execution will permit you to get the best presentation you can, as well as screen your uptime. It can assist you with spotting bottlenecks and regions where more assets might be expected to keep things running as flawlessly as they ought to. Look at our How to Test VPS Execution blog entry which covers how to test execution on a Windows or Linux VPS.


The Forex market is a frenzied spot. A great many individuals are attempting to sort out what will occur straightaway, and the main genuine method for finding success is to remain one stride in front of the vast majority of them.

All alone, a Forex VPS may not be sufficient to give you the immeasurably significant upper hand, however it can unquestionably help you up your game in numerous various perspectives.


Q. Is VPS good for Forex trading?

Plus, these hosting providers have the staff and resources available to monitor the servers 24/7, so any potential issues can be dealt with immediately. As a result, using a VPS for Forex trading is much more reliable than using your hardware, which you would have to manage yourself.

Q. How to set up a VPS for Forex trading?

Step 1: Selecting a Suitable Forex VPS Hosting Provider. …

Step 2: Signing Up for a VPS Hosting Plan. …

Step 3: Configuring the VPS. …

Step 4: Installing the Forex Trading Platform. …

Step 5: Connecting to the VPS. …

Step 6: Setting up and Managing Expert Advisors (EAs)

Q. Can VPS work without the Internet?

No, VPS cannot perform without the Internet.

Q. How does VPS work?

uses virtualization technology to split a single physical machine into multiple private server environments that share the resources.

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